Grow your app
marketing skills and get results.
Get started with Certification


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Take advantage of free online training, and learn how to effectively promote your app and reach more people across the App Store.

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Best Practices

Get the tips and advice you need to
effectively reach customers and
help maximize results on the App Store.

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Find answers to your questions,
easy-to-follow instructions, and tips
for using Apple Search Ads.

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in action.

“Certification helped us better analyze and optimize
existing campaigns to improve our cost efficiency
and overall success. Certification is also an easy and
effective way to train new members of our team who
start managing Apple Search Ads.”

NetEase Games

A team of two people working together on a computer.

Find the right partner.

Whether you need campaign optimization, custom product page expertise, or both,
an Apple Search Ads Partner can help.

that work.

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