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AdaKami app icon


secure loans.
AdaKami boosts acquisition.

AdaKami ad on the App Store

AdaKami offers customers across Indonesia convenient and secure financial services, like personal loans and purchase installment payments. With Apple Search Ads, the fintech app increased brand awareness to boost iOS downloads and conversions.

The Results

3x increase in downloads year over year.
10% higher registration/conversion rate quarter over quarter.
60% higher conversion (approved loan) rate compared with all other paid channels combined.

The Challenge

The team at AdaKami wanted to capture strong intent from potential customers searching for financial services on the App Store. To drive brand awareness and boost conversions, they needed to raise app visibility with a broad range of audiences. Staying competitive and top of mind in an evolving category was also critical.

Apple Search Ads is essential to our whole marketing strategy, helping us reach key audiences, complement organic growth, and
improve conversions.

The Solution

Gain insights to reach the right audience.

With Apple Search Ads, the AdaKami team in partnership with their agency AppStare ran discovery campaigns to find new, relevant search terms. This maximized impressions to reach new audiences. “Search Match helped us mine for keywords and quickly understand the terms that were most relevant for our product,” says Adakami Marketing Expert Claire Wang.


The teams at AdaKami and AppStare also closely monitored campaign performance at the keyword level. To increase impressions and new user growth, they moved high-performing branded and nonbranded keywords into exact match and increased bidding on these terms. “With Apple Search Ads, we were able to connect with the right customers across key user groups. This is a huge advantage over other platforms,” says Wang. In fact, with Apple Search Ads, the AdaKami team drove 25 percent more iOS downloads quarter over quarter, and the registration rate also increased by 10 percent quarter over quarter.

Increase reach and consideration with ads on the Search tab.

Based on their acquisition and conversion growth with search results campaigns, the team at AdaKami also invested in ad placements on the Search tab. Featured at the top of the suggested apps list, ads on the Search tab helped drive more exposure with a large audience of potential customers before they narrowed in on a search. “Ads on the Search tab give your brand an even broader reach early in the customer’s decision process, which can be the ideal opportunity to influence their intent,” says Wang.

Company Snapshot

  • AdaKami
  • Financial category
  • Launched in 2018
  • Based in Jakarta, Indonesia
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