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Patients connect with doctors.
Amwell scales reach in the U.S.

Amwell  ad on the App Store
American Well brings healthcare and technology together to help people see the doctors they trust over live video visits. With Apple Search Ads, the Amwell app accelerated user acquisition, broadening reach across the U.S. and reducing costs by 10x.

The Results

4x increase in downloads quarter over quarter.
10x reduction in acquisition costs over five months.
2x lower cost for nonbranded keywords than other ad platforms.

The Challenge

Every day, there are more healthcare apps to choose from on the App Store. With this rapidly evolving landscape, the team at Amwell needed to capture and keep the attention of more users across the U.S.

Apple Search Ads helps us introduce our brand to users searching for similar apps and stay on top of emerging direct competitors.

The Solution

Discover new keywords that capture intent.

The American Well team had extensive experience with traditional search marketing, but their existing keyword lists weren’t right for Apple Search Ads. “On other platforms, people search for general symptoms. But they go to the App Store ready to take action. They want apps that meet their specific needs,” says American Well Director of Digital Marketing Tim Ming.


Discovery campaigns with Search Match helped uncover new relevant keywords. Brand campaigns included the name of the app, the company name, and relevant partner brands (insurers, employers, retailers). Category and competitive campaigns introduced users searching for similar apps to their brand and helped the team learn about emerging competitors.

Adjust bidding to capitalize on seasonality.

Driving a revenue-generating doctor visit is American Well’s key performance indicator. That’s why the team focuses on connecting with people who need care immediately. They see an uptick in the summer months when urgent care visits tend to rise. There’s also more interest and usage during flu season, typically spanning the last quarter of the year through the first quarter of the next one.


“Our business is highly seasonal and we prepare by actively monitoring keyword bids. Apple Search Ads helps us scale growth and delivers engaged users who convert really well. That means we are willing to increase our investment during our busiest seasons,” says Ming.

Invest to get users to come back.

Apple Search Ads delivered new users with strong intent. In fact, users typically complete a doctor’s visit within three days of downloading the app, converting significantly faster than new users from other platforms. “Telehealth still has a long way to go. Apple Search Ads helps us build awareness and drive conversions when people are sick. It also helps us stay top of mind,” says Ming.


After all, many users can go many months, if not years, without needing the app again. Ming estimates more than half of Amwell’s downloads come from users who previously downloaded the app. That’s why the team adopted an “always on” approach to Apple Search Ads. 

Company Snapshot

  • American Well Corporation
  • Medical category
  • Founded in 2006
  • Based in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.
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