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Shoppers find easy delivery.
Rappi grows in Latin America.

Rappi ad on the App Store
For delivery app Rappi, scaling customer growth was critical in highly competitive Latin American markets. With the help of Apple Search Ads, conversions increased 2x across Colombia, Chile,
Mexico, and Peru.

The Results

2x higher conversion rate across Colombia, Chile, Mexico, and Peru.
1.4x faster rate to first purchase for customers acquired through Apple Search Ads compared with customers from other platforms.
1/5 the original cost-per-acquisition within three months after optimizing with Apple Search Ads

The Challenge

Rappi is an on-demand marketplace that simplifies life for shoppers in Latin America, offering easy delivery from their favorite restaurants, grocery stores, retailers, and more. To fuel cost-effective user acquisition, the team at Rappi needed to raise app discoverability with iOS customers in large cities across Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru, and Uruguay. Since the Rappi team faced different competitors and unique challenges in every market, localization would be critical.

Apple Search Ads helps us identify integral insights for each market and attract customers with higher intent who define our success as a business.

The Solution

Optimize bidding to stay competitive.

To drive more impressions with potential customers as well as better efficiency, the team closely monitored Apple Search Ads performance at both the campaign and keyword levels. The team discovered that brand and competitive keyword campaigns consistently helped drive better conversions than general category terms around delivery or specific restaurant names, and they adjusted bids accordingly. They also optimized bid strategies by country, achieving one-fifth the original cost-per-acquisition within three months after optimizing with Apple Search Ads.

Glean local insights to improve relevancy.

The team at Rappi relied on Search Match to find new high-performing search terms by country, quickly uncovering subtle but important nuances with Apple Search Ads. By actively tracking keyword performance and impression share, they were able to glean valuable insights for each market. For example, the Spanish word for home often differs by country. These Apple Search Ads insights were used to optimize Rappi’s App Store product page, improving the app’s organic growth. The Rappi team also applied them to offline marketing campaigns and channels. 

Connect with customers in the right moment.

For Rappi, an acquisition is counted when the user places their first order. With Apple Search Ads, the team at Rappi was able to attract more engaged customers who placed their first order on average 1.4x faster than users from other platforms. They also found that customer growth from Apple Search Ads was incremental to organic growth, and the quality of customers was even higher than organic installs.


“We plan to increase investment in Apple Search Ads even as budgets on other channels are reduced. We are developing automated tools to connect to the Apple Search Ads Attribution API to help with recommendations and automating in real time. Apple Search Ads is now a primary channel for iOS customer acquisition and a key partner,” says Rappi Head of Marketing Partnerships Scott Kepnach.

Company Snapshot

  • Rappi
  • Food and Drink category
  • Launched in 2015
  • Founded in Bogota, Colombia
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