Reading Eggs Apple Search Ads Success Story

Reading Eggs

Children learn to read.
Reading Eggs increases conversions.

Reading Eggs ad on the App Store
Reading Eggs subscribers learn to read the fun way with hundreds of phonics games, guided lessons, and books. The app’s developer, Blake eLearning, increased sign-ups and conversion rate while expanding into new markets and improving cost efficiency with Apple Search Ads placements across the App Store.

The Results

52% increase in trial sign-ups in the U.S.
42% of total yearly iOS downloads driven by Apple Search Ads (U.S., UK, Australia).
50% lower cost-per-install than similar platforms in Australia over six-month period.
43% higher conversion rate than similar platforms in Australia over six-month period.

The Challenge

Focused on attracting new customers, the team at Reading Eggs needed to build brand awareness on the App Store. To stay competitive, they also wanted to expand reach efficiently to more potential customers in emerging markets, like the U.S. and UK. Connecting with the right audiences — parents of young children — at the right moments would be critical to driving their key conversion event: a free 30-day trial sign-up.

By implementing a multi-placement strategy across the App Store with Apple Search Ads, we’ve been able to build our brand awareness in new markets, maintain brand visibility, and reach more potential customers in a cost-effective way.

The Solution

Invest in search results campaigns to understand
new markets.

To better understand local nuances and optimize performance, the team at Reading Eggs created separate Apple Search Ads campaigns for every market. They focused investment on brand campaigns, capturing strong intent for their app while staying competitive in their category. Discovery campaigns helped the team find new relevant keywords while better understanding search volume and opportunity by market.


“Apple Search Ads remains one of the top platforms to grow both brand awareness and iOS installs in our main regions, as well as to break into new markets and test demand,” says Reading Eggs Marketing Manager, Acquisition, Emilee O’Reilly. “It continues to help drive growth within key markets where we don’t have the same brand awareness as we do in Australia, while maintaining a low cost-per-install compared with other platforms.” With search term insights from Apple Search Ads, the team built a strong list of top-performing keywords that they’ve incorporated across their wider marketing strategy, including SEO efforts that drive organic growth.

Drive awareness and incremental reach with ads on the Today tab and
Search tab.

The team at Reading Eggs further maximized brand visibility by investing in multiple Apple Search Ads placements that complemented their search results strategy. A prominent placement on the Today tab1 provided the opportunity to reach millions of potential customers at the beginning of their App Store journey. Search tab ads helped them increase brand awareness as well as influence intent before potential customers narrowed in on a specific search.


“Search tab and Today tab placements have allowed us to build our brand awareness, reach a wider audience, and scale downloads, especially during peak seasons like back to school and Christmas in the U.S., UK, and Australia,” says O’Reilly. “Multiple Apple Search Ads placements also helped boost branded search term volumes and improve app discovery in markets where our brand isn’t as prominent.” In fact, overall impressions increased by 129 percent while running multiple placements over six months. Plus, during end-of-year seasonal peaks, impressions across all placements were more than double that of the impressions from just search results ad campaigns. Apple Search Ads also drove 42 percent of total yearly downloads, which the team found positively impacted overall ranking across the brand’s App Store presence.

Align more relevant creative with customer needs.

To optimize their creative relevance and better engage specific audiences, the team at Reading Eggs created ad variations based on custom product pages set up in App Store Connect. One custom product page showcased screenshots related to the app’s Fast Phonics program and linked it to an ad group focused on phonics-related keywords. When potential customers tapped one of these ads, they landed on a custom product page that matched the ad creative — creating a seamless experience.


“We have as many as six programs within one app, so it can be tricky to convey this effectively and concisely in our marketing,” says O’Reilly. “With custom product pages, we can direct customers who are searching for something specific to a highly relevant message with visuals that reference that search term.” After optimizing creative with custom product pages, they saw conversion rates increase by as much as seven percent.

Company Snapshot

  • Blake eLearning
  • Education category
  • Launched in 2013
  • Based in Sydney, Australia
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