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Travelers find better prices.
skyticket finds better ROI.

Skyticket ad on the App Store
skyticket is a leading Japanese travel website offering travelers discount prices for flights, hotels, and events. With Apple Search Ads, skyticket leveraged untapped opportunities for app promotion, expanding its mobile customer base and growing ROI
by 77 percent. 

The Results

10% increase in downloads in first 90 days of Apple Search Ads campaign.
77% stronger ROI than similar advertising channels in Japan.
60% higher lifetime value from customers acquired through Apple Search Ads.

The Challenge

The team at skyticket needed to stay ahead of their domestic competitors and reach new customers on mobile. To drive efficient acquisition and revenue growth, they wanted to increase app discovery as well as scale brand awareness to new markets.

In terms of ROI, Apple Search Ads outperformed all similar ad platforms. We were able to drive more impressions as well as strong revenue growth.

The Solution

Optimize to maximize performance.

The skyticket team focused on expanding its keyword coverage to maximize return on ad spend with Apple Search Ads. Using Search Match, they uncovered new search terms (related to Wi-Fi, rental cars, and bullet trains) that drove strong impressions. To remain competitive, the team actively monitored campaign performance at the keyword level and adjusted their strategy with bid-level recommendations.


“In terms of ROI, Apple Search Ads outperformed all similar ad platforms. We were able to drive more impressions as well as strong revenue growth,” says skyticket Marketing Manager Reo Terazawa.

Reach more of the right customers.

With Apple Search Ads, the skyticket team wanted to reach a broader base of customers beyond the consistently younger demographic delivered by most of their social advertising platforms. They did not apply any audience refinements to their Apple Search Ads campaigns. This enabled them to reach the widest audience and serve their ads to searches made by more users. The approach worked — Apple Search Ads drove 10 percent more downloads as well as attracted customers with 60 percent higher lifetime value.

Integrate marketing efforts across channels.

The team at skyticket carefully aligned the timing and targeting (by location) of Apple Search Ads campaigns with TV, offline, and other digital advertising. This integrated approach helped them drive stronger KPIs at each stage of the funnel, from brand awareness to user acquisition. Additionally, the skyticket team discovered that Apple Search Ads positively impacted organic installs, consistently delivering incremental growth.

Company Snapshot

  • Adventure, Inc.
  • Travel category
  • Founded in 2006
  • Basked in Tokyo, Japan
Apple Search Ads Advanced

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