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Voodoo app icon


Gamers play and win.
Voodoo scores
higher revenue.

Voodoo Apple Search Ads ad on the App Store
Voodoo develops and publishes richly visual, easy-to-learn games for millions of players worldwide. The French developer optimized Apple Search Ads to increase global downloads by 30 percent while lowering cost-per-acquisition by 10 percent
within a month.

The Results

30% increase in downloads in a single month.
18% more revenue on average than new users from other platforms.
5% higher retention than new users from other platforms.

The Challenge

When Voodoo launches highly casual games like Fight List and on the App Store, the team quickly sees a strong volume of organic downloads. They usually start investing in Apple Search Ads when organic downloads stabilize after the initial spike. To drive app installs for Helix Jump, a game where players control a bouncing ball through a helix tower labyrinth, the Voodoo team needed to improve discovery and respond quickly to competition by similar apps.

Apple Search Ads is a powerful tool for every developer interested in driving awareness, increasing acquisition, and growing revenue.

The Solution

Structure campaigns to scale across markets.

Across key countries, the Voodoo team created an Apple Search Ads account structure optimized for their ad-supported business model. Discovery campaigns with Search Match helped surface new relevant keywords. Brand campaigns focused on brand-related terms, while competitive campaigns helped drive consideration by players searching for similar games. Category campaigns featured descriptive keywords like casual game.


“Apple Search Ads is a powerful tool for every developer interested in driving awareness, increasing acquisition, and growing revenue. It gives more people the opportunity to discover the relevancy of your app,” says Voodoo User Acquisition and Monetization Manager Joséphine Robert.

Drive relevancy with Creative Sets.1

For another game, Fight List, the team at Voodoo tested more ad variations beyond the ads automatically created using creative assets from its App Store product page. With Creative Sets, they were able to pick and choose 10 combinations of its app previews and screenshots. The team aligned each set to category and competitive keyword campaigns and featured three different videos showing users how to play the game.


"Creative Sets gives Voodoo additional creative flexibility and creates a more relevant experience for users searching on the App Store," says Robert. The team at Voodoo plans to further optimize performance for the rest of its apps by aligning Creative Sets to different key audiences as well as countries.

Company Snapshot

  • Voodoo
  • Games category
  • Founded in 2013
  • Based in Paris, France
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